Cold air pools

The lowest minimum temperatures in Switzerland do not occur on the highest peaks of the Alps but in cold air pools. recently installed a new measuring station in the Sägistal, so this location is now on Switzerland's meteorological/climatological map. It is a 46 m deep closed sink with a Sky View Factor >0.9, which is the most relevant parameter for the potential of cold air pools. The lowest point at Sägistalsee is at ~1937 m.

As soon as the lake is covered with snow and ice, spectacularly lowest temperatures can be measured here. Just yesterday, a minimum of -20.2 °C was recorded here, the lowest value recorded in the current winter half-year 2022/23 in Switzerland. Measurements are taken with a Decentlab sensor DL-SHT35-002.

Thanks to for the great work and the cooperation.

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Indoor air quality and energy saving

In the winter months, we spend most of our time indoors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to indoor air quality. The pandemic has also reminded us that we must pay attention to indoor air quality. The air we breathe affects how we learn, work, sleep and relax.

Humidity and temperature have a significant impact on personal health and well-being. Optimizing humidity and temperature in your environment can improve your well-being.

Measurement of humidity and temperature can help optimize processes and thus save energy and costs.

Our DL-IAM measures indoor air quality in real-time. In our device we have integrated sensors from Sensirion and others.

How to improve indoor air quality? Read more (article by Sensirion).

New Decentlab devices integrated with TagoIO

New environmental LoRaWAN sensors from Decentlab added to TagoIO.

The TagoIO platform now includes most Decentlab devices; as a result, users may connect them to the TagoIO platform without needing to code or configure complicated settings. Users can use the Decentlab LoRaWAN devices for many applications like air quality, ecophysiology, hydrology, indoor air quality, internet of water, and urban heat island.


Pilot project for measuring cold air flows

A favorable urban climate contributes significantly to maintaining the quality of life in the city and protecting the health of the population. Cities have a special local climate. Increased temperatures and polluted air pose a direct health risk to the population and reduce the quality of life.

The cold air flows that occur naturally in Zurich have been calculated by specialists. With a pilot project, the Air Quality Measurement Laboratory of the Zurich Environmental and Health Protection Department is now trying to find out whether the calculations of the cold air currents are correct.

Decentlab's DL-ATM22 | Wind Speed, Wind Direction and Temperature Sensor for LoRaWAN® are being used in this project.

Thanks to for the picture.

Read more (only in german)

Experimental Meteorological Monitoring Project

Within the experimental project of meteorological monitoring in the Regional Forest of Pian Cansiglio, mountain Regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia – Italy, Decentlab sensors
DL-SHT35-002 | Air Temperature and Humidity Sensor for LoRaWAN® have been installed in 2020 and 2021, suitable for the chosen locations and the peculiar climatic conditions.

After one year of data analysis Andrea Costanntini wrote a "case story" about the ongoing project for WMO TECO-2022 conference.

Thanks to Andrea Costantini for the interesting article and the efforts for the local monitoring initiative.

Read full article & real time demo

Measurements in the Game Reserve in Africa

DL-MBX & DL-DLR2 for a great rhino project in Africa!

Ultrasonic Distance / Level Sensors are used to monitor water levels in tanks and drinking points. Furthermore, as in the Game Reserve, the devices measure the level of the river when it is carrying water. The devices measure the level of the river to monitor the crossing points that have vastly different water levels throughout the year. Knowing the current level in real-time is therefore very helpful for estimating where you can cross the river and where not. This way you can save not only unnecessary trips and money but also protect the environment by using less gasoline.

In addition to the sensor for measuring the river water level, the DL-DLR2 is also in the field. This sensor is for monitoring gates and showing whether they are open or not. It records, for example, if someone enters the park at night without permission. This sensor therefore helps to increase security in the park. For this project, the Akenza IoT platform is used.

Thanks to Volunteering Africa for the cooperation and the great pictures!

Urban heat island

Zurich's record hot and dry summers in the recent past have made it very clear that, in the future, the raising temperature will affect people, flora and fauna in the city more than ever.

For a better, less heated urban climate, more rainwater is to be retained and evaporated via the urban greenery in the future. A pilot project of Stadt Zürich.

Devices like our DL-ATM41, DL-SMTP, DL-TBRG, DL-SHT35-001 can be used for such projects.

Read more (only in german)

More biodiversity in the city

Green bus stop roofs have many advantages. Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ) is now planting two bus shelters and setting an example for improving the microclimate and biodiversity. An expansion to further bus stops will be examined after a successful test phase.

Our sensors DL-TRS12 and DL-IAM are in use and provide the measurement data. A cooperation with EWZ - Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich.

Preservation of urban trees

We need new ideas to buffer the consequences of climate change in cities. Previous heavy rains fell on sealed surfaces, overburdened the sewage system and led to flooding. Prolonged high temperatures combined with low rainfall have taken their toll on urban trees in parks and along streets.

One idea for the long-term preservation of urban trees is the so-called "Stockholm planting model". To validate and monitor such new projects, our DL-SMTP can be used.

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Waldlabor joins TreeNet - The Waldlabor ecohydrological experimental site

At the ecohydrology field site, they want to measure the quantity and quality of all water flows along the forest water cycle.

They regularly measure climate parameters outside and inside the forest, the level of the Holderbach stream and its tributaries, and groundwater levels. The site focuses on ecohydrological fluxes from soil to plants to atmosphere to better understand the water uptake processes of beech and spruce.

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Smart sensors for Internet of Water Flanders and our partner VITO

Flanders of Belgium tackles its water challenges through innovation. A fine-grained measurement and high-frequency sensor network is being deployed at selected locations across Flanders. The network will continuously measure indicators of water quality. This will facilitate a more dynamic and efficient water management and pave the way to a more robust water system. The permanent data flows open the way for smart applications.

DL-CTD10 devices from Decentlab are among those used in the project. They have been installed by VITO and Aquafin at sewer overflows, waste water treatment plants and sewers.

Publication about TreeNet - The Biological Drought and Growth Indicator Network

Also some of our devices which send data individually and in near real-time over a LoRaWAN network are thematized.

The TreeNet research and monitoring network has been continuously collecting data from point dendrometers and air and soil microclimate using an automated system since 2011. The goal of TreeNet is to generate high temporal resolution datasets of tree growth and tree water dynamics for research and to provide near real-time indicators of forest growth performance and drought stress to a wide audience. This paper explains the key working steps from the installation of sensors in the field to data acquisition, data transmission, data processing, and online visualization.

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